Friday, September 10, 2010

The Human Centipede

Hi everybody, it's time for a review of a movie that is really disturbing.  Incase you missed the title and the video above, it's The Human Centipede.  This is a movie that really doesn't have a mainstream distribution, but it becomes so infamous, that you hear about from word-of-mouth (or Daniel Tosh).  If you're looking for something really creepy to watch or just to take pictures of your friend's reactions, then get The Human Centipede.

The premise of The Human Centipede is about a German (I think) surgeon who kidnaps strangers and then conjoins their mouths to their asses in threes.  To him, it must be a scientific achievement by making a Siamese triplet, but how would this be beneficial to the human race?  I'm sure the only good to come out of it would be a reduction in the consumption of food, thus solving world hunger, but it would still be a horrible experience to eat people's shit.  This stuff makes you think.  And if you want to see what a more realistic Siamese triplet looks like, then go read Batman and Robin #2.  If I may go off-topic, I just can't help but think that if this surgeon lived in Rapture City, he'd get away with this.

Going more in depth (no pun ever intended), it's about 2 girls from the United States going on a road trip through Europe, but get sidetracked when they get a flat tire and stumble upon Dr. Kantz house.  Dr. Kantz drugs them and keeps them in his underground laboratory.  Then an Asian guy, who becomes the front of the centipede, joins the mix.  Other than Dr. Kantz, the Asian guy is my other favorite character. Then once all the kidnapping and plotting is dealt with, Dr. Kantz does what the title of this implies.  Which is conjoining the human subjects ass to mouth.

After the experiment becomes a horrible success, this is where stuff really gets even more disturbing and depressing.  He treats the human centipede like a dog, or dogs.  I should also mention that tried this stuff on cows and dogs, and now he's upgraded to human.  That's all I can say about The Human Centipede.  People get kidnapped and conjoined ass to mouth in the name of science.

Verdict:  Go watch it, but you're probably going to be disturbed.  So get your friends over and be disturbed together.


  1. I heard this movie is really fucked up. It doesn't seem that appealing to me though, even after reading your review.

  2. This movie pails in comparison to most Japanese gore flicks. Its not disturbing its not controversial its just a stupid idea. Takeshi Miike would have a field day with this idea. What I envision a human centipede is surgically extending the torso longer with more torsos. Adding more arms ect. . . This type of film has been done in several German Schietzer(sp?) vids. And besides the "human centipede" part this is just another cliche run of the mill torture porn flick. nothing interesting just stupid.

  3. nice post bro, i thought the movie was pretty boring actually.

  4. It's sort of boring in a good way. Good stuff can be boring, but thing's have to actually happen.

  5. Nice post. I will stop by daily and give your blog some support. Hit me back kind sir.

  6. Saw alot of trailers, but I really don't wanna see this stupid movie.

  7. i love this film. i like the doc's acting lol how he desperate to do it.
    i want to see the second one..wonder who finish the 12 human centipede :S


  8. hehe, it can be really funny movie :p, thanks for info!

  9. I read "100% Scientifically Accurate" on the trailer and then I died. hahahah. Thanks for synopsis/review though.

  10. Respect. Supported. Love this trailor hahaha.

  11. they will make a movie about anything

  12. you know, bugs like that have always grossed me out more than human gore.. cant stand bugs, my first scariest movie was the fly man

  13. i just got back form watching it and i wish i could charge back the director for a new set of pants yeesh

  14. lmao the amount of people that were going on about this when it first came out x]

  15. ... maybe i should check it out follow back

  16. Nice summary, the movie still kinda creeps me out though. I'll need lots of convincing to see it. You should scope out some of my reivews, you might like them.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Nice.

  19. movie looks like another generic hollywood horror movie, unentertaining and not scary.

  20. feel your boredom seeps through the screen lol

  21. haven't watched it, but thanks to your review I don't need to now.

  22. strange movie mate.

    Showing my daily love.

  23. supporting and following <3

  24. The diagram of the human centipede made me laugh. I may just watch this...for teh lulz.

  25. I remember hearing all the "WTF"s from the interwebz when this movie was first announced.
    Might have to go see it.
